In Illinois, retail theft is not treated uniformly; rather, it is categorized based on the value of the merchandise that is stolen and other factors. These factors, including the value of the items, result in this crime being punished differently. Retail theft or...
Can you prove you had no intent to commit retail theft?
In Illinois, retail theft charges can carry serious consequences. However, the accused's intent is a key element in any retail theft case. The law requires that the prosecution demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused intended to steal the item in...
What are the differences between theft and burglary?
When people hear terms like theft and burglary, they might think they refer to the same thing. However, these are distinct legal concepts with important differences. Individuals should know more about these disparities when facing an accusation. Theft Theft involves...
How common is retail theft?
Retail stores have recently ramped up their loss-prevention tactics. With such an increase in online shopping, is retail theft still commonplace? It is helpful to know a little about retail theft to understand why stores have increased their security measures. How...
Why shoplifting is being taken more seriously
If you have noticed an increase in the price of houses, cars, household goods and other items recently, your mind is not playing tricks on you. After all, the consumer price index, the primary measure of inflation, shows a drastic 5.4% increase in the cost of goods in...
How can a shoplifting charge affect your life?
People often imagine a shoplifter to be a young kid with a history of getting into trouble. However, the fact is that any person could wind up accused of shoplifting, from a teen or a mother of three kids to someone struggling with a mental illness or poverty. No...