How to help a loved one in prison

Do you have a loved one who is in prison? You might feel powerless, but there are ways you can help them.

There are no guarantees in the prison system, whether good or bad. Helping your incarcerated loved one might mean encouraging and supporting them through their hard time. It can also mean researching ways to get them out sooner. See below for some helpful guidance on helping your loved one in prison.

Study prisoners’ rights

If you want to help a prisoner get out early, it will not happen overnight. A sentence reduction or early release requires a lot of research. Seek out professionals who can help you and your loved one understand prisoner’s rights. Explore different legal methods for sentence reductions. To help the person you care about, a certain amount of education in the legal system is necessary.

Maintain a positive outlook

It is easy for imprisoned individuals to spiral into a negative outlook on life. If you want to help an incarcerated person, part of your responsibility is to keep their spirits up. Write letters, speak with them often and make care packages for them. According to the HHS, around 50% of people released from state prison will return within three years. These seemingly small gestures make a significant difference when the individual must reenter society after their term is up.

Having a loved one in your life enter prison is a scary prospect. However, you can make help them get through the experience. Encourage good behavior, research prisoners’ rights and seek professional guidance. Staying active is the only way to make the best of an unfortunate situation.