When you’re stopped for suspicion of drunk driving, the officer will ask you to perform some field sobriety tests. While you can refuse to submit to these tests, most people agree to them. Field sobriety tests primarily benefit the prosecution. The prosecution will...
Firm News
What are the repercussions of missing a day in a traffic court?
While you may have busy schedules and tons of things to do, it is common to forget some of the things you had intended to do. You may forget to reply to a message or even fail to remember where you placed your car keys. However, if there is one thing you should not...
Ignition interlock devices: What you should know
If charged with a DUI in Illinois, you are set to face several consequences. In addition to paying hefty fines, the state requires you to have a breath alcohol ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle. This installation occurs after you receive a monitoring...
Understanding a Notice of Statutory Summary Suspension
No one probably needs to tell you that drunk driving is a mistake. After all, not only may you injure yourself or others when driving under the influence of alcohol, but you may also derail your professional, educational or other plans. If an officer arrests you for...
Survey reports high arrest rates in Illinois suburb towns
In Illinois suburban areas, local police departments spend considerable effort arresting people suspected of driving under the influence. The emphasis placed on apprehending DUI offenders is evident in the annual survey reports for 2018 just released by the Alliance...
Swatting prank can give Illinois residents more than expected
Prank phone calls have been around almost as long as the phone has, but the newly evolving internet age has made it even easier and more sophisticated for people in Illinois and elsewhere to play jokes they think are harmless and won’t get them in trouble. However, as...
Should you refuse a breath test?
When it comes to DUI charges, some sources (usually found on internet forums) may tell you that refusing a breath test is a good strategy to thwart the prosecution’s case against you. After all, without the hard evidence of your blood alcohol concentration, how can...